You mean one thing. You say one thing. Your words are interpreted through personal filters. You control only two of these. Make sure you tailor the message to the audience.
Say What You Mean
At the end of a post on choosing family, I thought about adding a “PS: I know everyone’s definition of family is different. Maybe your family treats your horribly. Maybe you can’t have kids. Maybe your friends are your famiy. This post stands in all of those scenarios.” But here’s the thing: for the right […]
Choose Family
Maybe your work doesn’t matter much. Maybe you’re not working to solve important problems in the world. Maybe you don’t get to work alongside a team you believe in. If that’s the case, please make one of two decisions: 1) Change your working reality as fast as humanly possible. 2) Dedicate every ounce of energy […]
Choosing a Head Start
It’s baffling to me when I see a new entrepreneur ignore the lessons that can be learned from more established businesses. Coke regularly (and perhaps rightfully) gets skewered over ingredients and (lack of) sustainablity in their packaging. Nike has gotten its fair share of flack for labor practices and raw materials. Name the established company […]
Before you can create change, you have to take action. Before you can take action, you have to have courage. Before you can have courage, you have to have belief. Before you can have belief, you have to have knowledge. Before you can have knowledge, you have to care. Before you can care, you have […]
The Problem with Amazon
The New York Times published an exposé outlining egregious people and culture practices at Amazon, from mandatory annual cullings to abrasively direct criticism in meetings. There’s been a flurry of editorial content in response. Jeff Bezos in support of the culture. Redfin CEO, Glenn Kelman, in support of hard work and grit. And, of course, […]
The Great Enabler
Money is not worth anything in and of itself. It is only worth what it allows you to experience and to give. Money is the great enabler. Unfortunately, it’s also a topic we avoid all too often for fear of… well for a wide variety of fears. So let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s […]
Why did you choose that?
Why do you do the work you do? Maria Popova runs one of the most well-curated (and popular) blogs on the internet. Ira Glass runs one of the most well-produced (and popular) podcasts in the world. Michael Jordan was the most trusted person to take the last shot in a close game. The Beatles are […]
Getting Better is the Goal
The startup world can be obsessive over growth rates. “Uber grew by 3,000% in their 37th month of existence.” “AirBnB took three years to hit a 100% monthly growth rate.” Even the Inc 5000 is ranked by three year revenue growth rates. The numbers above are made up. They are not direct quotes about growth […]
Winning Lifetime Customers: A Threads 4 Thought Case Study
Part 1: The Importance of Mission and Values Threads 4 Thought is a sustainable apparel company, founded by a couple who decided to create change by starting a clothing brand in their senior year of college. At first, they only created graphic t-shirts highlighting issues/causes they cared about from sustainable materials. Now, they’ve grown to […]