“Is there anything I could ever do that would make you not love me?” Lewis Howes says to his best friend. This was Lewis’s way of prefacing what felt like an impossible conversation: telling his closest family and friends that he had been raped by a man when he was a child. And once he […]
Personal Development & Internet Marketing
We’re lucky to see thousands of examples of businesses in our work at Fizzle, and personal development and internet marketing are by far the most common topics we see. The world doesn’t need another “personal development” or “internet marketing” site. There are plenty of other problems to solve, and those two problems have been tackled […]
The False Idol of Solopreneurship
It seems everyone in the world of entrepreneurship wants to be a “solopreneur” these days. The fame and glory go to the entrepreneur who is able to find a way to make enough money to travel the world, buy a big house, and publish a monthly income report to prove it. For some people, this […]
Haters, Fans, and the Power of Community
Being in the arena is hard. Sure, being nobody helps when you’re starting out, but eventually you’re more than a nobody. The more you build your body of work, the more people tend to pay attention. As you gain an audience for your work, at least two types of people will begin to emerge. The […]
The concept of living for the weekend has always been a tragedy to me. We tell ourselves to grin and bear it throughout the work week. Tolerate the work. Watch tv to pass the time. Wait for the weekend to arrive. The alternative is to find and do interesting work that matters you. What would […]
Search Engine Optimization
Here’s the best SEO advice I can give: make the most helpful content you know how to make, with good structure, and centered on topics your audience cares about. Everyone wants the one magic bullet or easy button. News flash: it doesn’t exist. There is no magic to the SEO game. If you’re looking for […]
Being Nobody
It can be easy to fall into the trap of wanting attention for your work, especially early in your career. How many readers do I have? How much press coverage have I received? How many of the senior executives at my company know who I am? These are all the wrong questions for one simple […]
Why Medium Matters
Writing is a super power. I don’t care whether you’re an accountant, an artist, or a chef. If you know how to write, it means you can share what you know. And when you share what you know, people come to respect you for your craft. Here’s the thing: writing is terrifying. I got the […]
We need more people in the world who are willing to speak the truth as they see it. Too many people are quite simply willing to ignore bad work, intrusive actions, and hate-filled rhetoric. Why? It is a huge disservice to convince someone they’re doing a good job when they’re capable of so much more. […]
Career Diversification
“I’m keeping my options open.” – Everyone We like to think that learning a wide-ranging set of skills will set us free. With enough skills and enough broad experience, our career options will be wide open. Unfortunately, picking up new skills and broadening our experience for the fun of it simply means we’re refusing to […]