Not much… other than the fact that he made the decision to sit down at his desk and write every day for more than ten years.
10 years seems like an eternity when you put it like that. But it starts with the first day. And then the first week. And then the first 100 days.
If you don’t start, you can’t rack up 5,000 published blog posts. But once you build the habit, it becomes a part of your daily routine. Something as important as your morning cup of coffee or having breakfast or walking the dog.
How would your life change if you wrote everyday for the next year?
Three years ago, Seth Godin required each member of the Krypton team to write one blog post per day during the project. It was non-negotiable, and if one member of the team didn’t do it, Seth noticed. In fact, if someone missed a day, we started the following morning’s team meeting with an explanation of why we didn’t all post the night before.
I know two people who follow through on daily writing. Seth Godin. And David Cummings. Seth Godin is one of the most profilic and influential business and marketing authors of our time. David Cummings is one of the most well-known and successful entrepreneurs and angel investors in Atlanta.
I would bet money neither of them would be as well known, or as oft-quoted, as they are today without daily writing.
I just made it through my first week of daily writing, and I can already see the tremendous impact it will have on my career and life. It can do the same for you.
But you have to start. Today can be the day.
Thanks to Seth Godin and David Cummings for the inspiration to write this daily blog and today’s post.