There’s this vision of success that has been hammered into us over time. Power, prestige, and pay are at the forefront of what it means to build a successful career. Our parents and grandparents built lifelong careers with single companies, took home a pension at the end, and knew that if they kept their heads […]
How to Engage with the New Living for Monday
Yesterday I wrote a novel introducing the new Living for Monday and I promised several follow-on posts to dive a bit deeper on specific aspects. I’ll attempt to be thorough, but intentional with my words so you get what you want without spending a ton of time. Here’s how the new Living for Monday model […]
The New Living for Monday: A Community for Young Pros
What?! What happened to Is this even the same company? I’m melting, I’m melting! Welcome home, you community-craving, growth-seeking, impact-driven young professionals. We’ve finally built the thing you’ve been asking for. I want to do a couple of things in this post: Give you a brief history of why Living for Monday exists and […]
College Students: How to Get an Education Without Ever Going to Class
So often people ask me what inspired me to start my own business just one year after graduating college and what coursework was important in giving me the foundation for an entrepreneurial career. Those same people are often taken aback when I tell them that most of the skills and knowledge I put to use […]
How to Build a Sustainable Business Coaching Practice (And Double Your Rates in the Process)
“So, what do you do?” – Random person at a friendly gathering. “I run where we do coaching and training for young professionals.” – Me “Oh, so you must be in pretty good shape, huh?” – Same random person in complete confusion. “Dammit.” – Me knowing that was coming. That’s my typical conversation at […]
How to Write Your Ideal Job Description
One of the most important things I can possibly share with you with regards to any pursuit of purpose and fulfillment is this: know what you want. Know what you want and fix it in your mind. This is far and away the first and most important step to accomplishing nearly anything. The hardest part of […]
Introducing the Atlanta Contributing Editors
Earlier this year, I published a post outlining what we can all look forward to from Living for Monday in 2014. In it, I said that we would use this year focus on becoming the most inspiring and creative media and training company for young professionals in the world. But, in order to do that, […]
The Complete Guide to Dressing Like a Top Performer (for Ladies)
[Note from Barrett: This is a guest post from the talented and professional Courtney Clymer, Owner at LIFEstyled Wardrobe Styling & Personal Shopping here in Atlanta. She’s a real pro at helping guys and gals dress appropriately for their professional AND personal lives, so be sure to connect with her if you have sartorial needs. Although […]
Case Study: How to Sell a $5,000 Consulting Project in Less Than a Week
I woke up just before Christmas with an invoice in my inbox for $2,447… And no money to pay it. That’s jumping ahead a bit, so let’s rewind for a bit of the back story. Just before Christmas at the end of 2012 we were getting finishing up the design of the new Our […]
The Complete Guide to Dressing Like a Top Performer (for Guys)
The difference between looking like a chump and looking like you have a sense of style can be the difference between being perceived as a mover and shaker or a guy who has hit his ceiling in the workplace. Like it or not, humans are naturally judgmental beings and we make snap judgments about people within […]