The big idea Dale Carnegie shares actionable advice for leading others by making them like you, winning them over to your way of thinking, and inspiring change without fueling resentment. Why to read As one of many actionable how-to books from Dale Carnegie’s prolific writing career, How to Win Friends and Influence People may be […]
The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau
The big idea In the Art of Non-Conformity, Guillebeau uses his personal story to highlight the idea that we don’t have to live a conventional life. He provides a blueprint of actionable advice for doing good in the world while doing well for yourself. Learn about your real priorities, what work means to you, and […]
Linchpin by Seth Godin
The Big Idea In Linchpin, Godin makes a very compelling argument for the fact that we can truly make ourselves indispensable at work. But first, we have to learn to adopt a whole new mindset on why we work, how we show up, and what we do when we get there. Why to Read Linchpin […]
Mentoring: How to Find and Maintain a Mentor Relationship
When I went to New York, I heard Seth Godin refer to Tom Peters and the late Zig Ziglar as his mentors. When I went to Geneva, I heard Shaper after Shaper talk about their mentors who have helped them avoid certain failure, learn from mistakes, and accelerate towards their goals. In the online world, […]
Customers, Work, and Community (What I Learned from #WDS2014)
I’m back in the saddle after another trip to Portland for World Domination Summit (WDS), put on by Chris Guillebeau and company. 2014 was my third year attending the (un)conference, and I took away lessons that you can just as easily apply in your own work and life. With every passing year, I’ve found that […]
The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss
The big idea Tim Ferriss is the epitome of what it means to live an intriguing life. He is a serial entrepreneur that created a business and life that led him to working 80 hour weeks and being miserable by his own doing. In The Four-Hour Work Week, Ferriss takes his personal experience in cutting […]
TEDx UGA 2014
Here’s the transcript of the talk: Thank God It’s Friday. TGIF, that’s a motto we can all get behind. In fact, I bet many of you in this room woke up today, hit the alarm, and you said, “Yessss, the weekend is here and I have a half day of work. Things are going right […]
Mastermind Groups: How to Surround Yourself with Remarkable People
The Eagle and Child pub is similar to many other pubs in Oxford. It’s dimly lit, serves beer at room temperature, and cider is an easy find. They have fish and chips along with other pub food. By all accounts, it’s just another common place in one of the greatest college towns in the world. […]
How to Overcome Fear to Get What You Want
I am scared. I am scared of failing. I am scared of dying. I am scared of losing friends. I am scared of ridicule. I am scared of throwing up. I am scared of commitment. I am scared of snakes. I am scared of rejection. I am scared of being called a fraud. I am […]