OK, so looking ahead is a bit of a misnomer at this point, but this is an important post nonetheless. This is part four of a four part series reviewing 2013 at Living for Monday and looking ahead at what you can expect from 2014 around here. This post closes out the series and my […]
Living for Monday’s 2013 in Review: Lessons Learned
This post is part three of our four-part series reviewing 2013 and looking ahead to 2014. We started the series looking at the statistics from LivingforMonday.com, including the blog, podcast, audience (you), and more. Then, we continued the series with our accomplishments from 2013. In this post, we’ll take a look at what didn’t go […]
Living for Monday’s 2013 in Review: Our Accomplishments
2013 was a big year at Living for Monday. We started the 2013 year in review process with a detailed post on our website, blog, and podcast stats. This post makes up part two of the four part year in review series (inspired by Chris Guillebeau) as we take a look at what went well, […]
Living for Monday’s 2013 in Review: Our Site Stats
From working for a long-time hero to launching products to shuttering products to pivoting the entire business, 2013 has been a year of ups and downs at Living for Monday. In the spirit of Chris Guillebeau’s annual review process (here’s his look back at 2013), I want to open up about what’s happened at Living […]
An Open Letter to Employers: You’re Doing It Wrong
Dear Employer, You’re doing it wrong. I hear you complaining about me and all of the other young professionals in our organization (as if we can’t hear you). We hear you, and although you may not realize it, we have plenty of thoughts in return. Consider this a chance for us to start collaborating to […]
Moments of World Domination (Or what I learned from #WDS2013)
Sometimes you know you’re having a life changing experience as it occurs in real time This past week was one of those experiences for me. Nicole (my girlfriend) and I landed in Portland, OR on July 2nd for the 3rd annual World Domination Summit, hosted by Chris Guillebeau and his inspiring team. Chris’s vision for […]
How to Get the Most Out of Your Blog Reading
If you’re anything like me, then you have an RSS reader or an email folder of blog articles and it’s full to the brim from the past couple weeks’ worth of content. Somewhere along the way you had one busy day, didn’t read the articles from your favorite bloggers, and then they started to stack […]
Two Networking Letter Templates that Work
I truly believe in the power of networking with the intent of building meaningful relationships. I don’t mean networking because I need something in the moment or networking in the hopes that I’ll get more than I give. I love networking for the sake of meeting interesting people, learning about and from them, and offering to […]
How to Live a Remarkable Life in a Conventional World (What I Learned from #WDS2012)
Chris Guillebeau created The World Domination Summit in 2011 to bring people together around the shared values of community, adventure, and service. This year’s (un)conference was the second annual, held in various locations around the city of Portland, OR. The theme of the conference was the following question: “How do you live a remarkable life […]
How to Maximize Your Return on Luck
If you’ve never read Jim Collins’ work, then you’re missing out on one heck of a researcher and author. His work primarily pertains to the business world, but the concepts could certainly be applied in non-profits and governmental organizations as well. Collins teamed up with Morten Hansen for his most recent project, entitled Great By […]