The United Nations’Millenium Development Goals have been an interesting first effort to garner international support for the most pressing issues of our time. Now that the timeline has expired on the goals, it’s time for the UN to own the progress made so far and then to set new goals for the 15 years ahead. […]
Millenium Development Goals
The United Nations catches alot of flack form the international community, especially from politically active citizens and elected officials around the world. And yet, The UN Development Programme might be the only agency keeping their eye on the ball when it comes to the future of the human race and our presence here on Earth. […]
Find a Compass
Everyone is looking for the “right answer” or step by step instructions. Most things in life come with neither in my experience. Just options. The key to building a business or a meaningful career, amongst other things, is getting comfortable with a lack of “right answers” and moving forward anyway. Any step by step instructions […]
Scarcity and the Relative Value of Beer (And what it means for your business)
Economic theory tells us a beer is a beer and it should be worth the same to you, regardless of your context. And yet, when researchers asked two simple questions1 in a recent experiment, they found evidence that economic theory simply doesn’t hold when we are resource rich rather than resource poor. Imagine you’re a […]
Being Understood
“Nobody understands me.” – You If you find yourself wondering why nobody understands you on a regular basis, perhaps it’s not a problem of being understood at all. Perhaps you’re simply not communicating. Click to tweet this post.
Change helps us grow. It’s uncomfortable, uncertain, and transformative. We all have stories of moving as a child or going away for college or traveling abroad for the first time. Inevitably those times are scary on the front end, and when we make it out alive, they are the most important and powerful times of […]
The Dream Job Fallacy
“There are no dream jobs. There is work that is worth your time, and work that isn’t. You’ll never be sure which is which, so there are only two ways to do the work in front of you: the right way or not at all.” – Wilson Miner We’ve created an unfortunate reality when it […]
Multi-Passionate Multi-Potentialites
I regularly hear people call themselves “multi-potentialites” or “multi-passionate.” You know what that’s called? Being human. Every person on earth is born with potential. Research on the growth mindset shows us there is a simple difference between people who build new skills and explore new possibilities and those who don’t. The difference is a mindset […]
You Do Have Time
You Do Have Time I hear this from people I care about all the time: “Oh wow, I would never have time to do something like that.” That’s probably true. You probably don’t have time to go fishing every week, write a daily blog, or build a business outside of your day job. At least […]
Talk & Action
Before you can take action on a given idea, you have to talk about it. If you work on a team, you have to thrash early before the idea solidifies and you’re ready to move forward. If you’re starting a solo project, your mastermind group or confidants might help you hash out an idea before […]